
We are Local Education Experts with a contagious enthusiasm to help students of all ages. When you choose

ConnectPrep, you become part of our team and we deliver RESULTS!

The ConnectPrep Approach

We invest heavily in our educators to maximize their ability to deliver a first class teaching experience to each of our students. Each ConnectPrep Instructor is a master educator who understands the local education landscape, curriculum, the needs of each student, and can adapt to any student’s learning style.

Our interview process not only verifies outstanding academic credentials and subject mastery, but also connects us to incredibly devoted and talented instructors. We want to make sure our students have the BEST and most QUALIFIED TEACHERS. We are a driven team who targets each student’s needs and pushes for academic excellence. Our process is not limited to, but includes the following steps:

Individualized Learning

Our instructors build confidence, self-esteem, and lead by example with their students. We pride ourselves in our use of a variety of teaching methodologies to engage all learning styles.

Empower Your Child's Learning | Comprehensive K-12 Tutoring with ConnectPrep
Empower Your Child's Learning | Comprehensive K-12 Tutoring with ConnectPrep

Interactive Learning

We build relationships, are hands-on, and creative. Our students learn how to tackle complex questions and problems to help them succeed at every level.
Empower Your Child's Learning | Comprehensive K-12 Tutoring with ConnectPrep

Progress Tracking

From day one, your instructor will track your progress, measuring what is working and what needs further attention, via our online analytics platform.

Results Driven

We connect all of these components so you can reach all of your academic goals.
Empower Your Child's Learning | Comprehensive K-12 Tutoring with ConnectPrep
Empower Your Child's Learning | Comprehensive K-12 Tutoring with ConnectPrep

K-5 Tutoring: Shaping Bright Futures for Young Learners

ConnectPrep’s K-5 tutoring program is meticulously designed to offer a balanced blend of fun and effective learning experiences, crucial for the formative years of a child’s education.

Features of Our K-5 Tutoring Program:
  • Comprehensive Curriculum Coverage: Our program encompasses all vital elementary subjects, delivered by expert instructors who excel in engaging young students and sparking their interest in learning.
  • Innovative Reading Program: A key highlight is our specialized reading program, tailored to not only improve reading skills but also to instill a lifelong passion for reading, accommodating diverse interests and proficiency levels.
  • Customized Learning Approaches: Recognizing the uniqueness of each child, we adapt our teaching methods to align with different learning styles, ensuring personalized and effective education for every student.
  • Foundational Skill Development: Beyond academics, we emphasize developing essential study and organizational skills. These skills are crucial for setting students up for success in their future academic endeavors.
  • Nurturing and Supportive Environment: Our tutors do more than teach; they mentor and inspire. We foster an environment that nurtures curiosity, creativity, and a positive learning attitude, celebrating every small achievement to build confidence and a love for learning.
ConnectPrep is committed to providing a strong educational foundation for young learners. Reach out to us to discover more about how our K-5 tutoring services can benefit your child’s educational journey.

Middle School Tutoring Grades 6-8

Empower Your Child's Learning | Comprehensive K-12 Tutoring with ConnectPrep

ConnectPrep’s middle school tutoring program is specifically designed to guide students through the complex transition from elementary to high school, addressing both academic and social challenges.

Academic Support in Key Areas:
  • Math Mastery: Our tutors provide in-depth support in math, helping students grasp fundamental concepts and apply them in complex scenarios. This includes assistance in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and more, ensuring a solid mathematical foundation.
  • Science Exploration: We delve into the fascinating world of science, covering subjects like biology, physics, and chemistry. Our approach makes science engaging and accessible, sparking curiosity and a deeper understanding of the world around us.
  • Enhanced Reading and Writing Skills: Our Language Arts specialists focus on improving reading comprehension and writing skills, essential for academic success across all subjects.
  • Skill Development for Academic Excellence: We emphasize critical skills such as effective note-taking, test-taking strategies, and organizational habits, which are pivotal for middle school success and beyond.
  • Tailored Programs for Advanced Courses: For students pursuing advanced or honors courses, our tutors provide specialized guidance and strategies to excel in these challenging academic settings.
ConnectPrep’s middle school tutoring program is a comprehensive solution for navigating the unique challenges of these years. Our goal is to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed for success in middle school and beyond. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your child’s educational journey
Empower Your Child's Learning | Comprehensive K-12 Tutoring with ConnectPrep

High School Tutoring Grades 9-12

ConnectPrep’s High School Tutoring: Elevating Success for the Pre-College Journey

High school marks a critical phase in a student’s academic path, with unique challenges and high stakes. ConnectPrep’s high school tutoring program is tailored to meet these challenges head-on, with a clear goal: enhancing academic performance and preparing students for their future.
Key Focus Areas of Our High School Tutoring Program:
  • GPA Improvement: Our tutors work closely with students to understand their academic strengths and areas for improvement, employing targeted strategies to raise their GPA.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam Preparation: We provide specialized tutoring for AP and IB courses, helping students grasp complex concepts and excel in these rigorous programs.
  • State-Required Exam Readiness: Our program includes comprehensive preparation for state-required exams, such as the NYS Regents Exams and Common Core assessments, ensuring students are well-prepared and confident.
  • CAPT Preparation: We offer tailored support for students taking the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT), focusing on the specific skills and knowledge needed for success.
  • SAT/ACT Preparation: Recognizing the importance of these national exams in college admissions, our tutors provide in-depth preparation, covering all sections of the SAT and ACT. We equip students with test-taking strategies, practice tests, and personalized feedback to maximize their scores.
  • Holistic Academic Support: Beyond test preparation, our tutors assist in all high school subjects, ensuring students have a strong understanding and are able to tackle any academic challenge.
  • College Admissions Guidance: We also offer support in navigating the college admissions process, from selecting the right colleges to crafting compelling applications and essays.
At ConnectPrep, we are committed to helping high school students overcome academic challenges, achieve their goals, and pave the way for a bright future. Reach out to us to learn more about how our high school tutoring can open doors to the college of your choice.
Empower Your Child's Learning | Comprehensive K-12 Tutoring with ConnectPrep

From Algebra to Zoology, we have you covered!

Empower Your Child's Learning | Comprehensive K-12 Tutoring with ConnectPrep

My Instructor at ConnectPrep helped me with my Algebra and all of my other subjects. I was taught what to focus on through a true team approach that took my confidence to new levels. I went on to excel in my subjects. I can’t give ConnectPrep enough praise for connecting me to my Instructor!

– Noah S., ConnectPrep Student

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